Sunday, December 13, 2009

More Relaxing...

So I've been back down for a couple of days and thankfully I'm much more relaxed. Also, the pain is pretty much gone which is great. I know that the drug really works as I can feel a major difference in my back pain and my side where my disease mostly is. It's weird too that the muscle aches go way down during the first week as if they're brought on by the drug leaving my system or something. I think the cancer gets active again during the last 7-10 days of my infusion schedule as the drug starts to leave my system and this contributes to my back pain etc... Who knows, just trying to enjoy a couple days of feeling better. The neuropathy is still there though so I have to keep my eye on that.

By the way, wanted to put a Chanukah song up for the large Jewish population down here! I like this one almost as much as Adam Sandlers Turkey song, ha! Went down to Ft. Lauderdale last night for the annual boat parade on the Interoastal. It was pretty cool. There were some pretty heavy rains so it was funny wathcing all the people out partying on their yachts then having to duck under cover when the sheets of rain came down!

This was the house across the canal from where I was. The owner apparently did it all himself while running a dental practice. The electrical bill is $100 a day!

One of the bigger decorated yachts...


The Simpsons/FOX channel yacht

My place is done for the most part. Just need to finish off the hole in the kitchen wall project and maybe get a tv stand and other knick knacks. I even have my screen porch habitable which is an accomplishment. The only thing missing though is Chili who I decided to keep up in Michigan with my Mom and Rich. Miss that little stinker :(

Shot of my living room. All second hand furniture except couch covers and rug. Had to get into the Christmas spirit too with the icicle lights around the ceiling :)

Looking forward to warm sunny weather this whole week! Crazy, I just left Michigan a couple of days ago and it was in the teens, ouch! Sorry to all my friends and family up there who have to put up with it. I've got an extra room down here if anyone wants to come visit!

See ya :)

1 comment:

Anastasia said...

Wow, Chris, your place looks sharp! I mean that in a good way. :) :) :)