Well, as crazy as the last few weeks have been, I have to say that no matter what happens, my buddy Chili can always put a smile on my face :) It's amazing how dogs seem to know what you're going through and how nurturing and calming they can be. I used to write a lot about Chili Dog, especially when we went on that month plus road trip around the country. There would be hours on end where I had no cell reception and the only one I could talk to would be her! Have to say, I've spent a lot of time with baby girl... I now realize more than ever how calming it is to have her around. I can't bring her down to Florida with me as I don't want to subject her to the baggage compartment of the plane plus the expense would be huge. She gets to stay with my Mom and the gang in Michigan where she is very well loved and taken care of which I'm grateful for. However, there is a void down in Florida that really just struck me. It's pretty strange how we as humans get attached to our dogs...
I remember watching this documentary on the relationship between Dogs and Humans and remembering how they said that out of all the animals in the world, no other is more in tune with humans than the canine. The bond goes back 1000's of years and it turns out both humans and dogs have physically evolved because of each other. In fact, they mentioned that if it weren't for this relationship (the role of dogs in the lives of humans) we'd all still be hunters and gatherers! (their role over time was to obviously help herd animals so we could start living sedentary lives) In turn, as we relied more and more on dogs, they started relying more and more on us and thus the symbiotic relationship. Of course cats are domesticated but they're in no way as in tune or at attention with humans as dogs are. I remember the narrator describing a computer study of dogs' eye movement as it's owner would present different emotions and how the dog expressed a different eye pattern (if you could call it that) depending on how the owner or human was acting. No other animals have been found that express this unique connecting quality, even dolphins (which are still incredible because they've never even been domesticated).
Anyway, I just thought I'd devote a post to my buddy Chili Pepper as she's always here for me through thick and thin and no matter what, always understands!
For some reason even though her name is Chili, I like to call her Fozzy, as in Fozzy Bear from the Muppet's, ha! She obviously needs a haircut but holding out until right before I leave for Florida again. This time I'm driving down so I can move into my new place there and thought I'd bring her with me. She digs the beach from her days in L.A.!!
So with that, I'm gonna crash out and look forward to a great day tomorrow. I found a guy to do my wood floors Monday at the new house and tomorrow I'm going to be prepping for painting once he's finished (per his request, paint on the oak makes it more difficult to sand). Once the finish is dry, I'll be able to hopefully move in by the end of the week, yeehaw! Moving they say is stressful but in both of my cases instead a symbol of starting fresh and on the road to feeling useful again.
Not to mention and most importantly, a way to keep my mind off the setbacks and a way to look toward the future and good things to come :)
Happy Sunday Y'all,
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