It's been a tough 36 hours. Just found out that my Mom most likely has lung cancer along with Rich, double whammy if you will. A positive about Rich's is that it's just an isolated spot that can be removed (God willing he gets through the surgery with his CHF) and hopefully the beast stays away. As for my Mom, unfortunately it looks like it's metastasized to her lymph nodes which isn't unusual to happen quickly. The doctor mentioned there is reasona for optimism which was good to hear. We will find out exactly what type it is when she has a biopsy hopefully next week. Rich's surgery is on the 27th at U of M and I know everything is going to go well. As for my Mom, she has already beaten breast cancer so I think she's chemosensitive not to mention she is a f'n warrior along with Rich. How often have you heard of a married couple having to go through lung cancer at the same time? I don't know why all of this is happening nor do I understand why my sister had to go through it with her brain cancer and I have to deal with my crap but it's life and you have to roll with it I guess. This is just another bump in the road (as if we need any more) and I know there's a purpose to it and we will all be stronger and closer because of it.
It's hard for me to think of any of my stuff anymore and I guess in some demented way it's a blessing and a curse if that makes any sense. Now I know how people who care about me felt when they found out I was sick. I'm comforted to know that while it was bad (and still is), you quickly adjust because you have no choice. You learn to accept the treatment and not feeling so great because you have to. One thing that gives me hope about my Mom and Rich is that they laugh a lot and don't take life too seriously. My mom and I were talking about this yesterday at the hospital and I've read books on it. It is great supplemental therapy! Also, because we have a split family, there's twice the support which is awesome!
I am going to stay positive about all of this because like I said, there has to be a purpose...
It's back to basics, one breath at a time.
Thanks for the support in advance,
Very sorry to hear about your mom. Saying many many prayers tonight and always for you and your entire family.
I can only imagine how it feels to be dealing with all this all at once. Try to just take each day as it comes and you will all get through all this somehow. Remain positive and always choose hope!! Stay Strong!!!
Sending lots and lots of positive thoughts your way!!!!!
I spent the last hour feeling so depressed about my "problems". After reading your latest post I feel like a crybaby. Maybe someday I'll grow up and have half the grace and dignity you and your family have.
I will keep you, your mom , and Rich in my prayers.
Dear Chris,
Wow. I don't even know what to say, but please know that I am praying for each of your family member's health and continued happiness. You have such a great attitude and it sounds like your mom and Rich do too.
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