Thursday, November 3, 2011

Great News! (relatively speaking)

Just got a text from my Mom telling me that her pathology report came back negative for Lung Cancer!!!!! It's not all good news though as she still does have cancer as it's a recurrence of her breast cancer from 20 years ago that has metastasized. While the best news would be no cancer, at least the prognosis is much better (according to her thoracic surgeon).

So, while her and Rich are by no means "out of the woods", it looks as though they have a much better chance than we thought :)

Thanks for the good vibes and prayers.

Cautiously optimistic,

Chris :)


The Reeds said...

Good news! Glad to hear it isn't as bad as expected. Keeping all of you in my prayers. I've never met you, but I can tell you guys are an awesome family!

gretchen said...

What treatment are you currently on? I stumbled on your site and follow. I've had a 3 year hodgkins battle, failed auto transplant and a few trials including SGN 35. I followed at karmanos and saw Dr. Ram twice but have decided to try u of m right now. I live 2 hours from karmanos. I Have seen Dr. Younes at MD Anderson too. It just won't give me a break...been constant treatment since Dec 2008. I relate to you in so many ways...cancer sucks.

Donna said...

Keeping you all in my prayers. Glad their prognosis is looking better. Sending positive thoughts to you and your family. Stay Strong! Glad you enjoyed your trip. Hope you are feeling well!!