Wednesday, July 1, 2009

PET Results...

Well, it was confirmed yesterday that indeed my cancer is back with the key word being "back". I have at least 3 cancerous nodes in my retrocrural space (behind my chest wall) in the middle of my torso. On top of that, turns out I have "FDG avid bony lesions in the thoracic spine" which explains that back pain that I'm dealing with. The latest news isn't unexpected but still pretty unsettling as you can imagine. What happens if the SGN-35 doesn't work and these lesions on my spine get bigger? The pain is pretty intense when they're "acting up" and couldn't imagine how it'd feel if they get out of control. I know I have the strength to deal with anything though... Just going to keep the faith that the SGN-35 will do it's job and dissolve those things...

So I'm back here in Seattle getting ready to pick up the moving truck and start packing it up (fun stuff to do with spinal lesions). I'm just going to take it easy and use the wheeled carts they have at Public Storage. I've got some help tonight too for the heavy stuff so it shouldn't be too bad.

On a positive note, it's absolutely beautiful here in Seattle right now! From the plane, I was able to see all 4 volcanoes (Ranier, St. Helens, Hood and ?) I'm definately going to miss living here but as they say, life goes on...

(Mt. Ranier from the sky!)

Should be a fun getting on the road for another road trip! Get to drive through the Northern part of the country this time starting with Northern Idaho and Northwestern Montana both of which are breathtaking. Good times!

Pics and stories to come...

1 comment:

Anastasia said...

Dear Chris,

Oh bummer. I can see why that report would make you nervous about the future. What do those bony lesions think they're doing in there, anyway? The nerve of some cancers! Praying for good things for you. Hoping the SGN kicks some Hodgkin's ***. Nice pic.