Friday, July 2, 2010


This doesn't have anything to do with cancer but makes me sick nonetheless... I just can't believe this (The BP Leak) is happening. Powerful companies are taking over our country and slowly destroying it (literally). I know I should be worrying about other things but I can't just sit around and ignore this.

If there ever was a time to pay attention to the energy policies of this country, it is now. Now is the time to investigate how these oil companies are allowed to operate like this seemingly without any oversight. It's time to ask the question "why isn't there more being done to pursue alternative energy sources"? Hell, while you're at it, time to take a look at how the banking industry was allowed to operate unregulated for as long as it was in leading up to the financial meltdown. Our current and past elected officials are letting these industries destroy our country right before our eyes...

Unfortunately, we can't vote big companies like BP and AIG out of business...

It's time to put the power back in the people's hands and limit the power of these mega companies. This has gone way too far...

So that's my rant for now, I wish I could say I feel better but I don't. I'm just really pissed and saddened by this whole mess if you can't tell ;) BTW Obama, you have the executive power to pull out all the stops in containing more oil at sea and preventing it from coming ashore. Time to get busy sir, it's only been 70+ days. The people of the Gulf are waiting...

If you can, copy and paste this link into your browser. It's a banned YouTube video covering the catastrophe.

(hopefully BP hasn't shut it down yet...)


Loraine Ritchey said...

Chris I wrote a peice on my blog re the BP crisis

follow the links in the post, there is so much more to this catastophe than we are aware have a good trip home... Loraine

Heather said...

Chris, I completely agree with your thoughts on the matter. Though I tend to agree with most thoughts you share on various country issues.

I will admit that I've had to stop following a lot of the coverage because it so heart-breaking and so angering. Especially after more than one completely thoughtless public comment made by high BP officials. And so much of this just screams greed to me.

I also admit that because of my self restrainment, I'm not fully aware of how the President has acted or inacted to further the problem. When I've seen headlines about it, I've assumed that it was more of the usual bashing. But it sounds like I need to start following the news again. I will check out the link you've posted, hopefully it's not been taken down. I'm assuming it's an important message and if possible I will share it on Facebook and perhaps blog about it in the coming days.

Being in Florida or in any of the Gulf states probably makes us more sensitive to the situation, it is "real" to us. Recently I came across a blog comment discussion that made it clear that so many who live in other parts of the country are pretty much unaware of what is happening and allow themselves to be unaffected by this disaster.

I felt guilty because I didn't know what exactly had happened and the extent until two weeks after the fact (I don't watch much TV). Given that, I am really disturbed and saddened that this is not a concerning issue for so many Americans. How they can not think about the mind blowing amount of oil spilling constantly, the loss of lives and incomes from many who depend on the Gulf's gifts to support their families, and not be utterly heartbroken when seeing pictures of the wildlife that is suffering and dying? At the least, just our beautiful beaches and crystal blue waters being destroyed.

I know that many don't care for the environment or wildlife as I do. They don't believe that we are damaging our world. Our home is a gift from God, these animals and birds are God created just like us. If we destroy our home, we can not that case no other issues matter. Some just don't get that. They don't think like that.

I certainly have no answers on how to stop the leak. Or to prevent future leaks-there have been so many before this one. Do we not drill? If that's the answer then we would need to break our dependency on oil. From our transportation to our needs being shipped to stores to everything in between, it is so overwhelming.

Anastasia said... is a mess alright... :(
hope it gets straightened out in time...human beings are crazy animals.

Rob said...

I agree with you about the inaction of the administration.....why wait 70+ days to waive the Jones Act and finally accept assistance from other countries. The Whale would have been WAY more useful the first weeks of the crisis when the gulf waters were cooler and calmer. I read an interesting piece in the Weekly Standard how BP has been an accident waiting to happen. They have been more focused on personal safety (slip and falls, etc.) compared to big picture safety on complex engineering systems. Also, they are some of the architects of "Cap and Trade" and have a huge profit motive if American utilities are forced to move away from coal burning and switch to natural gas. Fianally, Spain has been on a huge solar energy kick the last decade or so. They have sunk huge money in the conversion (without a large reward in actual energy production) and it has contributed to their huge deficits and possible financial collapse. We really need to be thinking about nuclear (as the French do) and re-develop Yucca Mountain as a long-term waste depository.
I agree, the news from the Gulf is heartbreaking.....if drilling closer to the shores were allowed, capping an errant well would be SO much easier than trying to work with ROVs 5000 feet down. If deep water drilling is allowed in the future, the energy companies should be forced to drill secondary relief wells concurrently with their main wells as some help in heading off a disaster as this one has panned out. There is much to think about from all sides of this ongoing energy debate (global warming, alternative fuels, our overall economy including maintaining growth and profitability of private enterprise to pay for the health care reforms and the huge deficit spending of the Federal Government) with no silver bullet that can make everything wonderful as yet.
By the way, be careful with your tow bar. Since your BMW is so close in weight to your CRV, driving on wet roads is super dangerous. I towed a car from Detroit to Chicago in the late '80s behind a compact pickup truck and almost lost it during a light rain. (Sliding sideways and almost jacknifing is NEVER a good thing.) If you get any precipitation, please pull over and wait until the road is dry. Saving drive time is not worth you getting in an accident and hurting yourself or others. Can't wait to you see and the new ride up here in the "D".....we will have to take the girls to a Tigs game and watch them run the bases:)

Take care,