Thursday, November 12, 2009


Wow, just posted a few hours ago how the muscle/joint pain hasn't been that bad and here it is 4:57 in the morning and I've been awaken by burning 6-7 pain in my arms and back... I think the fishing trip is taking full effect. This is pretty harsh. Just took two pain meds and praying this goes away and I can go back to sleep.

What the hell!

I should've remembered, the last week of my infusion schedule is always the hardest and sure enough, my next infusion is 7 days away...



Jessie O said...

Isn't it insane that even after cancer becomes a lifestyle and you're soooo used to it you still forget little things? I think it's probably a really good thing that when we're feeling good we can all but forget about the nastier side effects and assume they gone for good. Probably increases overall quality of life! But dang, what an unpleasant surprise! Hope you're feeling better.

Anastasia said...

Yuck...terribly sorry to hear about the pain and insomnia, Chris. I was up a lot last night/early this morning too..restless because I went to bed super early and also because I was anticipating leaving for the bronchoscopy at 6:30. I went over and saw Pooka at 5 a.m.! I certainly hope you are feeling better.

Kirsten (not Kristen) said...

Oh, Chris. Sorry to hear about this pain. WTF, is right!
Does taking a hot bath help? I'm sure you've already thought of that. Really hoping you can get some relief.

Hang in there, it will pass, and hopefully very quickly.


Anonymous said...


Stay strong. Let the waves of South Florida splash against them.
