Sunday, April 19, 2009


Just got done making some homemade guacamole and mixed it with grilled chicken, smoked salsa, black beans, lettuce and blue chips, primo! They have these guacamole "kits" at Trader Joe's and it's pretty easy. I had no idea how potent shallots are! I cut up a really small one and I was crying like a baby ;) I'm on this calorie counting kick, trying to gain a couple of pounds per week. Last time at the doctor, I weighed 165 and ideally I'd like to get up to 175-180. I should feel lucky as most people my age are actually trying to lose weight! So my goal every day is 2300 calories. It's pretty easy to get there eating a bunch of crap... The challenging part is getting the calories from low animal fat/sugar -- high protein foods. I'm having fun with it though and have noticed feeling a bit more energy now that I've been eating more. Now if I could figure out how to get good consistent sleep...

Went to the ballgame (the Tiger's were in town playing the Mariners) and had a blast! Got to sit right behind the dugout and felt like I was on the field. To top it off, we won! I think there's a lot of Michigan transplants in Seattle after noticing all of the Tiger hats in the crowd. Nobody gave me any static either which was nice! When I lived in Socal and went to see the Tigers play in Oakland in 2006 during the playoffs, one of the Oakland fans actually told me to take my old English D cap off when I left the game for "my own safety"! The Seattle fans are much more respectful than the Oakland fans thankfully. I have to say that overall Seattlelites are really nice people. Even though the skies may be gray here most of the time, the people have a pretty sunny disposition...

Well, time to get ready to crash. I'm reading an inspirational book written by Mother Theresa and thought I'd share one of her passages which will in turn help me remember it:

"Our souls should should be like a transparent crystal through which God can be perceived. This crystal is sometimes covered with dirt and dust. To remove this dust we carry out our examination of conscience, in order to obtain a clean heart."

"God will help us to remove that dust, as long as we allow Him to, if our will is that His will come about. Our examination of conscience is the mirror we focus toward nature: a human test no doubt, but one that needs a mirror in order to faithfully reflect its faults. If we undertake this task with greater faithfulness, perhaps we will realize that what we sometimes consider a stumbling block is rather a rock we can step on."

Mother Theresa


Veronica said...

Just one question - what are blue chips??

Your dinner sounds delicious, but unfortunately I am one of those people trying to lose a few pounds rather than gaining! :0( So I'll just imagine how good it must have tasted!


Anonymous said...

It is really nice to see you smiling and having so much fun! :) Well deserved! Have a great trip!..Maureen

B. said...

Ah! I love all of it! All the good updates, the smiles, everything!

And, the good quotes. I might need to steal your reading list, for my summer. I'm always enjoying about hearing the introspective stuff you're reading.

You're doing great Chris -- be SO proud of yourself.

Love, love, love,

Unknown said...

Hey Chris,
Gr8 to see you got to Safeco to see our Tigers. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself on your trip and the images are great(especially the Blues Brother dummies). I will read more as time allows, keep up the good work and hopefully Fran and I will be able to catch you next time your in town. Peace out
