Friday, May 20, 2011

Not quite RAD...

I just remembered when I lived in Socal how people used to say Rad all the time. "That's pretty Rad dude"... I think it's the only place I've ever lived where people say Rad, funny.

Anyway, I wish this was a rosy post but unfortunately, I had to stop the Everolimus or RAD001 on Wednesday temporarily (hopefully). Turns out, my platelets went all the way down to 37K. While I've been lower (of course, I had a stem cell transplant and all my counts were once zero), I don't remember it being this low for a while. This considering that only a couple weeks ago my platelets were at 104K. So, while I definitely think the drug is doing something to the disease, it's also wreaking havoc on my counts like we feared. So, the plan is to take 5 days off, go in Monday, have my blood checked again and see how fast they (counts) go back up on their own.

I just hope to God my body somehow can adjust to this and my counts will stabilize. If not, there's always a chance maybe they can reduce my dose but Dr. Ram didn't seem too enthusiastic about this. I guess we'll see what happens Monday.

Anybody care to join me on the roller coaster?!



Loraine Ritchey said...

Oh Chris I just wish I could get you off that damned roller coaster I have been along for the ride and know how it sucks the breath from you - hang in there we are pulling for you Loraine

Hillary St. Pierre said...

Consider yourself joined. I was thinking, "I feel like we're going through this together," before you even asked. Everytime I get chemo, I go septic and spend a week in the hospital. It's happened the past 3 months. Cheers to fears.

Anonymous said...

You may not know this or realize it all the time, but many pray for you and are always with you - all the way up and all the way down on the coaster.

Marsha said...

Chris, I am always with you. Let's ride. What else can we do? Big, hgs, M.