Just sitting here watching some of the coverage prior to tomorrow's election and wanted to catch up...
So, it looks like the Republicans are going to take control of the House and the Democrats will probably hang on to the senate although there's an outside chance that may flip as well. It's so crazy how quickly the political tides change. I'm still in shock that our country is poised to give control back to the party that steered the country into the recession. What's going to be different this time? I've been paying attention lately and I really haven't heard any novel ideas by the GOP. In fact, Mitch McConnel, (the now minority Republican Senate leader) said the #1 goal of the GOP for the next two years is making sure Obama doesn't get re-elected. That doesn't sound like responsible governing to me.
I guess with things still pretty bad out there with housing and the job market and only slowly getting better, someone has to take the blame and in this case it's the Democrats. I think the health care legislation was the nail in the coffin. It created a perception that Obama and the Democrats weren't interested in fixing the economy but a political feather in their cap with the new Health Care Bill. This combined with the fact that the Bill isn't very well conceived (and probably needs fixing) and you have a recipe for disaster for the party in power who passed the legislation.
My hope is that instead of more gridlock, perhaps for once the two parties can work together to continue to try and fix the economy and improve the shortfalls of the new Health Care Bill. Locally, I'm hopeful the guy I'm voting for governor, Republican Rick Snyder, is going to be the inclusive leader he promises and helps to get Michigan out of the dumps. I think Independents like myself (which comprise the majority of American voters) want our government leaders to work together and find common ground in the middle. As I think about it though, it probably will never happen. With as large as this country is and with so many different viewpoints (for example the lens which rural America looks through as opposed to an inner city view) there's always going to a clash of ideals. This really struck me when I was in Holland. It's fairly homogeneous there and the population is relatively small so people can find common ground much easier (and as result have a much more harmonious society than we do here).
Anyway, I have a ton more to say on the elections tomorrow but think I'll just let the results speak for themselves. I will be very interested to see what comes next...
In a somewhat related note, today is my official first day without having private health insurance as I've taken the forced lunge into Medicare. I have to go apply for Medicaid tomorrow so I can hopefully supplement the 20% of my medical costs that aren't covered my Medicare. I feel fortunate that I'm feeling relatively well as I couldn't imagine having to deal with this crap if I was feeling like shit.
There is light at the end of the tunnel however as I'm getting ready to drive down to SoFlo next week! I'm really nervous but I'm going to be attempting to drive my convertible (and the 300+K miles it has on it) down there. I'm taking it in tomorrow morning to have the rear wheel bearing replaced and hoping everything else is going to be solid enough to get me there. I've already had the timing belt replaced and have been told that the engine in the car I have (BMW E30 325i) can run for 1,000,000 miles!! I have a feeling there's going to be some interesting blog material made on that trip but of course hoping for a boring uneventful journey. I'm really looking forward to some warm sunshine again...
To unfortunately close on a sad note, it looks like my fellow Hodgkins Warrior Mike from St. Clair Shores is going to ride off into the sunset, hopefully peacefully. His mother Sharon sadly reported today on our forum that the family has decided to call in Hospice rather than deal with the inevitable ventilator. I guess his body has been through one too many treatments and the cancer is no longer responding to any of them. My heart and prayers go out to the family.
I also wanted to send some good vibes to my friend Kirsten out in Vancouver. She's really been struggling lately after finishing up 6 cycles of Bendamustine and doing a single treatment of Vinblastine which really threw her for a loop. I hope you're back on your feet soon Kirsten and rooting for you here in the D!
That's all I've got for now; thanks again to Marie, Jim and my Godmother Aunt Shelly and Uncle Butch for your generous gifts :) I am a very blessed...
Good night everyone and good luck :)