Just wanted to do a quick post to hopefully help me get a couple hours of sleep as I have to wake up in about 4 hours (4:30 a.m.) to hopefully catch a flight to New York's La Guardia airport. I'm scheduled to have yet another PET scan tomorrow to see what my disease is doing and if I can continue on the trial. It's pretty simple, if the targeted areas are larger or if there are new areas, I'm off the trial and it's a scramble to find something else. If I'm stable or better, I'm going to lobby to spread my visits out to every six weeks and let out a major exhale!
The holidays were a nice distraction from this I have to say. It was great seeing my Mom's side of the family on Christmas Eve and hanging out with Rich's side on Christmas. My Uncle Tom and Aunt Linda hosted the party on Christmas eve and everything was great from the food to the prayer said by my Cousin Jeff. He told a story about one of the third graders at the school where he teaches in Wainaie Oahu where he asked the kid if they were having turkey and all the normal fixings for Thanksgiving. The kid replied back, nope, just some Captain Crunch. My cousin being quick on his feet and compassionate replied back, so, is it the kind with the Crunch Berries?! I might have the cereal wrong but the moral of the story is we are very blessed to have what we have and gave perspective and appreciation to the feast we were about to have.
Speaking of family, it was also nice to see Jackie and Gomez! It was almost ugly as Chili got a little possesive of a giant rawhide and almost ripped G's little face off, yikes!
As I get older, I appreciate my family more and more. My grandpa used to tell me that friends may come and go in your life but the one thing you can always count on is your family. He was totally right (well mostly right) and I couldn't be luckier having the family I have. That said, I'm still holding out hope that someone who's in my family but hasn't been around or in touch for a while will realize the importance of family and will do the right thing and remember life is short and sometimes pride should take a back seat to wanting to work to fix problems that have been festering for too long. This person knows that I love them and wish them only the best. I truly hope that somehow this person will see the light and understand that sometimes you have to look at a situation/s through a different lens if the lens you've been looking through for so long has not produced the best results... Time will tell here...
So, I finally went to Yoga yesterday for the first time in a while. My friend Christa was nice enough to hook me up for a free month unlimited at this great studio in Birmingham. I've been to really soft Yoga classes at the SCCA in Seattle and at Gilda's club designed for survivors but this one was for real. It was a "slow flow" class which emphasizes holding the poses for a longer period of time. While I couldn't do more that half of the poses due to lack of flexibility and strength, the ones I was able to do I'm feeling today! My abs are pretty sore and the backs of my legs are starting to feel it too. If I'm blessed to be able to continue, I think it's going to do a lot of good to help me with my balance and the strengthening of my muscles which are barely recovered from the Guillain Barre Syndrome I dealt with up until the beginning of last summer.
I'm finally getting back into reading too which is great. My Mom bought me this book written by Keith Richards of the Stones. I've only gotten through the first chapter but it's a story that sucks you in right away. I have a feeling I'm going to have a different view of one of my all time favorite bands when I'm done with it... I mean those guys were pretty much one of the first Rock bands (can't forget the Beatles) that went through all the stuff you see everyday now on VH1 behind the music. What a crazy life it must be to be a rock star...
I also caught a movie that tickled my funny bone the other night big time. It's an SNL spoof on an old show I used to watch called McGyver (the spoof or movie is called McGruber). I don't know if I was just in a silly mood or what but a couple of scenes had me laughing so hard I was in tears! When the movie was over I went to the bathroom and was still laughing my ass off as I was whizzing, ha! I recommend it to anyone who used to watch that show and has a silly sense of humor.
Anyway, it's now after 1:00 a.m. and thinking I'm going to be lucky to get a "nap" in before I have to head to the airport in a bit. I'm going to be a zombie tomorrow and it's going to be interesting walking through the snow in Manhattan on my way to NYU. I've gone through worse when I had my second transplant in Seattle when they had the worst snowfall they've had in 60 years when I couldn't even get my car out of my subdivision! Basically, the whole city was shut down but still managed to get to my TBI (total body irradiation) appointments twice a day for four days and the subsequent high dose chemo days and finally getting my cells back.
Well, I think my eyelids are starting to get a bit heavy and think I'll try and get some sleep here.
If you get a chance, please take a moment to check out my friend Bekah's latest blog entry before she makes it private. I've mentioned this before but she has a way of expressing herself that most of us refractory people can not. You'll find her blog on my blog list under "True Beauty Never Hurries".
Hoping to post some good news tomorrow...
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