Believe it or not, I'm still fighting this bug, ugh! I've heard some people have had it for three weeks so I'm hoping that it's on it's last legs. The fatigue from the SAHA and effects of this cold are pretty debilitating. I managed to start some Christmas shopping today so I don't feel entirely useless ;)
I feel really bad for baby girl Chili :( She got her paw caught in a trunk the other night... I didn't see it happen but heard her yelping and from there it's kinda fuzzy. Had to rush her to the emergency where she was x-rayed and determined to have a fracture of her metacarpal and a severely bruised paw. She was in quite a bit of pain the first couple of days but seems to be doing better. It's funny watching her hop around with that cast on! She doesn't want to put any pressure on it so she's pretty much a three legged dog these days. Chili's always been pretty good on three legs though (she's got amazing balance when she scratches her nose with her hind paw; it's pretty impressive not to mention she does the "tri-pod" when she has to tinkle. The part I worry about is she's started to chew the top of the cast and somehow I've got to get her to wear the thing for 4-6 weeks! Maybe I'll put some hot sauce on it or something if she keeps munching on it, (just kidding ;)
At least they gave her a holiday cast!
She was pretty miserable though :(
Even though I don't have kids, I can now imagine or understand the pain a parent must have when their kids get hurt or sick (at least I would think most parents). It was such a helpless feeling when for the first two nights she would just wimper and cry. I couldn't get any sleep knowing how uncomfortable she was.
I have some friends from my Hodgkins Forum who lost their kids (Alison who is Adrienne's Mom and most recently Sharon who is Mike's Mom). I can't imagine what they went through (and still going through) while their kids were sick and then passed . I can't imagine what my Mom has gone through watching (and actively participating) in both my sister and my struggles. She's a pretty strong woman...
So, I leave for New York this Wednesday for the required blood work and doc visit. It's been determined that I can't stretch my visits from 3 weeks to 6 weeks as Dr. O'Connor wants to scan me again on December 28th. I was so looking forward to not having to go to New York in the middle of the holidays but it is what it is I guess. At least I'll know if I'll be staying on this treatment or having to start something else for 2011. I of course would like to keep going with this treatment as I've pretty much gotten used to it and have had some minor success with it but something is telling my my SAHA days are numbered. I can really feel the disease in my back lately... The nice thing is I don't have any "B" symptoms like itching, weight loss, fevers, night sweats, etc. so maybe there is a chance I can continue. I realize it's out of my hands though so I'm just trying to roll with whatever happens and make the best of it. The only thing that's a little troubling is my planned next move, RAD001, has pretty much filled up and won't be opening the next phase until the spring sometime. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it (not to sound too cliche).
For now, the plan is to enjoy the holidays and my little Florida getaway starting next week!
To my Jewish friends out there, Happy Hanukkah!
1 comment:
Just wanted to let you know that there is open RAD001 trial in Memphis, TN. My boyfriend, Dean, just started it last week. They still have a lot of openings. Email me if you need any info about the place,
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