Well, I'm cautiously optimistic that whatever it is that's been wreaking havoc on me is on it's way out. I've been taking anti-biotics and they seem to be helping. My head doesn't feel quite as underwater as before and most importantly, my cough isn't as bad although it's still there.
Thank you to those who have offered up encouragement and advice :)
BTW, I just was notified by my friend Lee (who's a Glioblastoma survivor) that he started a new blog, "One Quarter Blind". Please check it out on my blog list if you get a chance. Go Lee!!
Can't forget my cousin Ken who started a blog regarding his post experience with prostrate cancer, focusing on humor and awareness. The evolution of dance clip from You Tube is classic Ken!
Also, I wanted to report that I received an email today from an administrator from the "Navigating Cancer" site. I'll let Becky's message speak for itself:
Hi Chris -
I want to let you know we found your blog post "Reflecting" very inspiring. So much so we included it our Navigating Cancer blog roundup last week. I've enclosed the link for you to take a look if you like http://www.navigatingcancer.com/blog/cancer-blog-round-up-november-24/
Have a good day Chris!
Becky Walker
Navigating Cancer
It's nice to get noticed sometimes! ;) Not to mention, my friend Kirsten's made it on there too, go Kirsten!!
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