Wednesday, September 16, 2009

CT Results Tomorrow

Going in tomorrow morning for cycle 3 of SGN-35. That is if my CT results are satisfactory, which I haven't heard otherwise... I texted Dr. Ram requesting results and never heard back from him. I'm hoping they'd at least have the courtesy to call before I drive downtown to the DMC. I called this morning and they said I'm scheduled for infusion at 1:00 so I'm assuming it's all good right?! Or, does the doctor not want to tell me over the phone that I'm getting kicked off the trial?

Just one of the many mind games cancer plays on you...

Another is the ridiculous notion of wanting to continue with something (SGN-35) that has been causing so much pain lately. Don't get me wrong, if the stuff is working I am truly blessed. The blessing may also be a curse as my muscles are really starting to ache... This isn't surprising based on some of my fellow Hodgkins survivors' experience with the drug. Earlier in the week I was so sore that I couldn't sleep and had serious doubts if I'd be able to continue on the trial. I've been trying to fight back the ache by biking and playing golf the last few days and it seems to help a little and keeps me busy :) There are still times though that I feel more like 83 than 38! There were a couple of times this week where I was really scared that my body was breaking down... I feel ok right now however and hoping for a full nights rest without waking up to aching shoulders, arms and legs. Not too much to ask right?!

Looking forward to hopefully posting some positive news tomorrow...

Found this little guy in the middle of the road on my bikeride at Stoney Creek. I like to think I saved his life!

I rode around for a while hanging on to the baby turtle with thoughts of making him a pet but decided he'd be happiest swimming around with the other turtles in the pond in the background.

1 comment:

Veronica said...

Hey O Saviour of Turtles..........thinking of you today and hoping for some good news.........Vx