Thursday, December 11, 2008

CT Results

So, I had my CT scan yesterday and as you know from my previous post, I was concerned... Well, I just got a call from my P.A. Kerry and he said it looked good! He said there wasn't any new lymphadenopathy and either continued shrinkage or stability of my existing nodes! Whew!! I was really getting worried there as I have this puffiness near my collarbone and continued discomfort in my chest and sides when I inhale. I think it's scar tissue pushing against my nerves and inflammation.

Anyway, I'll get the full report on Friday. Kerry knew I was stressed out and called just to let me know it's ok to relax...

Today I'll be going to the University of Washinton for a "simulation" of my TBI. Can't imagine what that's going to be like... Maybe they want to put me through the motions so I don't have an anxiety attack my first time! I don't know if I have to go in a tube or what the deal is. Once I find out I'll post the information.

One more week to go!!


Veronica said...

Chris - that is FANTASTIC news :0)

And I love the fact that your onc wanted to put your mind at rest - there should be more like him!!

Hope the full report is equally inspiring and enjoy the knowledge that what you're going through is doing the trick...........Vx

Adrienne said...

Fabulous news on the scan. Phew! I wonder if they still have the bicycle seat for the TBI at U of W. Adrienne didn't like it much but oh well. You're on your way to being done, done, done. Hugs, Alison (Adrienne's mom)

Rob said...

Chris, nice to read the latest update compared to your previous post......had us a bit worried. Plus the Costco nightmare on top of the emotional rollercoaster you've been going through we're sure was not positive reinforcement. As you know, we have been Costco fans for quite some time, so didn't like hearing your runaround. May be worth a call to the store manager just to give him the heads up. They seem to be very customer focused (a lot like Amazon) so it would probably be good for the manager to know. Hope your mom's travels are safe and she stays off the cigs....I may need to try those meds one of these days. Let her know we say hi and we are so glad she will be out there with you over the Holidays. Plus, we are pulling for her on the cigarette journey. Also, say hey to Jackie for us. Looking forward to seeing you two as soon as possible. Rob, Christy, Nicole and Julia